Education is the key to everything. Yes everything... and it is sad to see that education is left up to the teachers alone at schools. Education begins at home. Sadly many parents forget this, and expect this role to go to all the teachers out there...
However, there is one problem in our country. Education according to the masses is becoming scarce... Every year the education standards are being dropped to meet the lazy learners who have to pass in order to get a job. These learners don't ever get a job, because they have very low marks...
A lot of us educated seem to see a bigger picture... The Government is spending the money that should be going to the improvement of education. This education that should be improving all learners skills, in class by teaching them how to use the computer, maths, proper text books etc. but every year when a school has finally equipped themselves with these necessary things, the students are never happy and always riot, only to bring the school down, and destroy the very important things that were made available for their education...
No wonder why the schools are scared to invest anymore money into the schools, especially the rural areas. The other thing that happens at the schools is this incessant campaigning near elections... Damn it, leave education and politics separate, don't mix it. in stead, rather have a class that teaches everyone about the importance of education, educating one self before elections, and the consequences of voting in the wrong party.
Oh, did I forget, did the ANC educate the schools in this already? did they say, "The ANC is the only right party to vote for" and leave out the rest, and tell those who thought otherwise that they would only bring back apartheid.
Wrong again... we are a country trying to move forward, and even to think that is horrendous.
I just can't conceive the idea of how important it is to educate, not to brainwash, but to educate a child to learn to make up their own minds...
TV is a huge problem today.
When I was a kid all the kids movies had morals to teach a child. everything had a lesson.
Today when you look at TV, it's full of Soapies, full of bad guys leading the pack, cartoons with way too much violence, and not one of these cartoons teach a child morals.
Hell, He-man taught more morals than today's programs.
True, some cartoons are really fun to watch, but that's all it is, fun, entertaining, and not educational.
One has to balance the two out. Entertainment and Education... it has to be fun to learn.
To get back on track...
I was taking a browse through my phone today, an htc,
HD2 (a brilliant phone) and thought to myself.
Wouldn't it be nice to see every black African male and female in South Africa with a
A phone that connects to the internet and isn't just good for Mxit or simple chat...
No, a real
Smartphone that gets news feeds sent direct to the recipient. I would love to see the
MAT and
Information Bill get passed on that now.
The ANC are using the un-educated masses, using their ignorance against them, and lying to them, saying that a
Media Appeals Tribunal and
Information Bill will benefit the poor... How the bloody hell does that work out. (I refuse to believe a word of that dribble)
So, if the government is trying to stop, or get their hands on print media, then, won't online media be next? will it be safe until everyone in South Africa owns a Smartphone that can connect to the web and that receives the real news as it should be?
I say, stay informed, be educated and keep your eyes and ears open, anything you hear and see today is news, it becomes history, but will always leave a mark in South Africa's legacy.
So I say, let's all play our role and get someone connected, even if it's a cheap Smartphone, or above average one... I say help them learn the truth, cause they all have the right to know.
They have the right to educating themselves and learning not to rely on others. They should be able to know everything that goes on around them in our Democracy.