Saturday, November 24, 2012

Remove the Bars and Watch me be Free!!!

We have started our Anti Animal Captivity Campaign... Here is the link - AACC. we are proud that in one day we received an overwhelming response and got up to 40 likes... today, 8 more likes appeared. (48 in total) so we are on a roll...

If you believe wild animals should be kept in the wild. then this is a page for you... simply like AACC, and add the page to your interest list... also do not forget to subscribe to all notifications otherwise you will not get all the information you need...

Remove the Bars and Watch me be Free!!!

Monday, November 19, 2012

My Choice Pic of the Week

No Matter What.

A friendship can weather most things and thrive in thin soil; but it needs a little mulch of letters and phone calls and small, silly presents every so often - just to save it from drying out completely. - Pam Brown
A friend loveth at all times. - The Bible, Proverbs 17. 17

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Tomorrow is just another Today

Today... yes today. A new day... I like this day. It's not a complicated day.
I have many ways to make it through this day... Should I stay, or should I simply make my way out of this room into that cruel cruel world? Yet everyday, I am faced with new challenges... I surely hope you will make my day worth while.

It's a summers day, a cloudy day, no sun, yet the birds sing bright and the air is fresh... I like today, cause it's my very own day. My day that will in no way inflict upon my mood, despite my anguish I am always drawn to the light that shines brighter than the sun.

You will always be the one that makes my day worthwhile, whether with or without you, I always know you are near.

I can not wait for another day, knowing I may see or speak to you again. the agony of the wait does not go in vain... I feel the pain, but my love is strong, and even if I can not go on. Today is worth living on.

Tomorrow is another day,. tomorrow will be another day, tomorrow will be another today.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Ashamed of the Human Race

It has been one hell of a month... I am now officially a vegetarian... I have not had meat in my diet for over a month and it has been some time since I have had any real company. Today I will most likely take up some visiting plans... I must say, once you go vegetarian, you do become very sensitive with animal issues...
I have battled to be vegetarian for the last two years... but this time I have made a conscious choice and I am staying strong... I hope to make the next jump to vegan soon.

I myself have become completely disgusted at how our human race treat animal life... I can not understand how anyone can call themselves human after inflicting injury and even killing another creature...

Then you have those that kill humans, or for pleasure... serial killers... Rapists, etc... I do not understand their minds. Quite frankly, they deserve what's coming to them... Karma catches up quickly...

From Dolphin Killing, Rhino Poaching, Seal slaughter and Elephant poaching, and even eating your best friend, a dog and killing pigeons and cats for pleasure... seriously. I have one good mind and waling over to each and everyone of those people and treating them the same way...

Dolphins in the Cove
Seals Slaughtered

But instead, I will just expose you and your dirty horrid way of life... let strength in numbers deal with you.

I have learned to me compassionate, patient and loving and respectful toward nature, now that I have seen other people's ignorance and low self esteem towards God's creatures...

Now, I don't care much about religion, I have a good sense of respect for it, (not contradicting myself her) but, I don't care what religion you are or what culture you practice...

One thing is common here. We all believe in a higher power that created life. and if we continue to practice our cultures and religions in barbaric ways... we will never have a heritage to come back to.

So let's get this straight... Leave the animals alone... Mother earth has enough vegetables and fruit for all of us... Let's learn to manage her well... and Mother Earth will provide for us.

Picture of the Month

This one takes the Cake

Friday, November 9, 2012

Picture of the Week!

Rosie Kunneke & Nikki Botha on Zone Radio

Namibian Seals
For those of you who may have missed the interview with Rosie and Nikki on Zone Radio about the seal slaughter...
Yes, once again, I have the interview live online here.
Simply click, or right click and save as, and download the interview here!

The Brutal Truth

Hunted for their Fur