I read a lot of online papers. Times Live, Mail & Guardian, IOL, etc. and when it gets to reading the comments section I have a field day...
I laugh, I get frustrated and I even get angered at some of the comments some people make in the comments area of the site...
So many make comments that make them look stupid, turning them into total idiots.
The comments sway way off of topic and everyone starts to pick on each other.
This is typical especially when one is involved in a political discussion.
The Race card is always pulled, and it becomes a shouting match.
I hate politics, but I have recently believed that the only way South Africa is going to win it's war in politics is if more people take time to learn a little more about the game. Who is involved and what is going on around your community and especially The country.
Now before I continue, hear me out.
I am not a racist, I feel compassion towards all human beings, especially animals...
However, here I'm going to be a little more descriptive in order to explain myself so we can understand each other.
Now reading the comments, you can sometimes make out the "White Africans" from the "Black Africans" and sometimes you can also pick out the "Indians"...
Now here begins my story.
After Reading this story on Times Live I decided to go back to what I remembered from all other similar articles and try to put it all here.
If the article is about a woman in politics, they begin to attack her because she is a woman, then if the woman is white, it becomes an attack on white and the person attacking her shows his true colours as a racist.
I continued to read, and I'm again reminded at how the comments started the attack on each other and every other article I've read and this is what started this article I'm writing...
Politics is a brutal game, and it gets tongues wagging at every level.
After reading many comments in this particular column. (let's not forget other's I've read)
The Race card is always pulled by the "Black African" who starts to bring about the past and apartheid.
The funny thing is, it's the so called "educated" who know how to work a computer and have access to the internet that post comments about racism and apartheid.
Answer this question!
How is it possible that they claim to know so much about apartheid, when the education system is so poor.
The schools the government provide are falling apart and they recycle the books year in and out.
Service delivery is so poor that these "clever guys" behind every pc that can no doubt read and write, let's forget that they can't spell, who most likely got their jobs through BEE, insist that the ANC is the way to go.
How is it then that they can not see this for themselves?
It's because of their blind faith in the ANC and their inability to understand logic.
The "White African" has moved forward, and is trying their damnedest to defend themselves online.
I see many people trying to defend themselves on these online newspapers, but the word "Racism" and the "Racist" keeps showing up to sway off the topic.
The ANC elite forget that Helen Zilla fought apartheid to.
The very thing they keep out of today's schools so that the ANC can win every election.
She to was very involved in the Black Sash and they forget this, because she is not ANC, and the ANC have once again changed the course of history by lying to all their followers about her, only to make her party look bad, and they will continue to do so in order to win any election.
It's about time South Africa inherits an "Iron Lady" for ourselves.
Helen Zilla is the one.
Reading the comments angered me, as this is the point I want to make.
The Racist remarks started this story I've written, and my point is exactly this.
Every Racist remark in the column I read tonight and every other column I've ever read in the past was started by an ANC member who happened to be a "Black African"
Shame on you.