If you cross the North Korean Border illegally, you get 12 years hard labor.
If you cross the Iranian Border Illegally, you are detained indefinitely.
If you cross the Afghan Border illegally, you get shot.
If you cross the Saudi Arabian Border illegally, you will be jailed.
If you cross the Chinese Border illegally, you may never be heard from again.
If you cross the Venezuelan Border illegally, you will be branded a spy and your fate will be sealed.
If you cross the Cuban Border illegally, you will be thrown into political prison to rot.
If you cross the South African Border illegally, you get...
- a job
- a drivers licence
- a pension card
- welfare
- credit cards
- subsidized rent or a loan to buy a house
- a free education and
- free health care
Perks Include -
* ? Weapons of your choice
and in South Africa you can...
* ? murder
* ? use drugs
* ? drink and drive
* ? steal
* ? rape
But Please South African's Don't Smoke - In public it is illegal